Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3, pupils access My Independence ASDAN course ‘Exploring Aspirations’. PMLD students access ‘Supporting Aspirations’ which is part of the My Independence course.

Key Stage 4

All pupils will access the Personal Progress ASDAN course to start the journey towards achieving their qualification.

Sixth Form

All students build on their Personal Progress qualification with the aim of achieving a certificate/diploma sized qualification dependent on how many years they have been following the programme.

In July 2024, 5 pupils left with an OCR qualification in Life and Living Skills.

Year 11 Destinations

In July 2024, 1 pupil chose to leave Wyvern to attend SWRAC (South West Regional Assessment Centre).

1 pupil left Wyvern and attends EOTAS (Education other than at school).

1 pupil chose to stay at Wyvern and move into the Sixth Form.

Year 14 Destinations

In July 2024, 1 leaver continued their educational journey at SWRAC.

Another leaver continued education at Weymouth College and also attends The Ridgeway.

1 leaver left education and has a complete care package in supported living.

2 leavers left education and attend The Ridgeway full time.

Click here for a link to the DfE’s website on school performance.