Here is the latest update from Anne-Marie:
I have set up a Super Movers group on a Monday morning and have different activities set up for all pupils to access. These groups focus on balance, coordination, hand/eye coordination, ball skills, uneven surfaces and core strength.
The groups are working well; and everyone who comes to the hall interacts with other class pupils and staff.
I am looking to work alongside Caroline Essame, OT to be able to offer some 1-1 time with pupils not on the MOVE programme but who could benefit from some physical , sensory movement.
I have recruited a MOVE champion in every class so there is someone to liaise with regarding MOVE and their pupils. In addition we now have 17 MOVE practitioners across the school, four of whom are senior practitioners.

Read the latest report here which highlights the fantastic work that continues to happen at Wyvern!
MOVE Gold Award
Wyvern Academy is a holder of the prestigious MOVE Gold Award.

Leading the way
Wyvern Academy is leading the way in providing children and young people with opportunities to develop independence and mobility. MOVE has been adopted by the Academy to develop the functional skills of children and young people with profound and complex physical disabilities.
What is MOVE?
MOVE Partnership has recently merged with the Enham trust, together they share the same vision and philosophy, that movement is the foundation for learning. The MOVE programme uses the combined knowledge of the family, carers, education and therapy. It is designed to teach anyone who has not learnt to sit, stand, walk or transfer by the age they would expect to, or those who have lost these skills, to increase their independent mobility to the best of their ability.
Embracing the principles of MOVE
Wyvern Academy has embraced MOVE and introduced the principles of the programme throughout the school. We currently have a number of children and young people on the programme with clear individualised goals; the goals are integrated into the curriculum with regular opportunities to practise skills and increase mobility.

Social inclusion
The programme has the potential to impact on every aspect of life not only for the individual, their family and care teams but for society as a whole. As our children and young people develop their mobility skills they can begin to take a more active role in their life.

Enhancing education
MOVE has been successfully implemented within the school, complementing and improving our approach to education and learning. The MOVE programme enhances the curriculum and enables children and young people to access learning more effectively. Children and young people appear more confident, motivated and engaged.

The MOVE programme has been hugely successful, with a number of children and young people progressing through the programme and into graduation. Children and young people on the programme are acquiring and maintaining skills that are then generalised into every aspect of their daily lives, allowing them to access their community and to become part of society.
Teachers have noticed a difference in cognition; children and young people are more engaged and receptive to teaching and learning.
MOVE has had a significant impact on families, improved mobility has increased access to the local community, allowing families to socialise and enjoy leisure activities together. Family life has improved within the home, increased function and mobility has developed independence, requiring less support from parents and carers.

Click here to see Keelie Turner’s inspirational story on the MOVE website.
Click here to see Ben Marsh’s inspirational case study.
MOVE Coordinator: Anne-Marie Lane