Our last Ofsted inspection took place in November 2024. The school was judged to have taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection which were Good in all aspects. The full report is available below but the summary reads as follows:

Wyvern Academy has a ‘child-centred, family-focused’ approach at the heart of its work.
The school provides high-quality pastoral support to pupils and their families. It teaches
pupils how to stay safe, healthy and keep active. Pupils talk openly about differences and
how they are ‘the same but different’. Pupils flourish because of the nurturing
relationships and expert support they receive from staff.

The school has high expectations of pupils. It places high importance on a bespoke
curriculum, including individualised therapeutic approaches to meet pupils’ needs. Pupils
benefit from a strong focus on communication, early reading, writing and mathematics.
They experience success because staff understand their individual needs extremely well.

Pupils’ behaviour in school is impressive. They behave well in lessons and social
situations. When pupils struggle with their emotions, staff take effective and supportive
action, which enables them to re-engage with their learning.

The provision for pupils’ wider development is well considered. Pupils enjoy the
opportunities on offer, such as music, including the open orchestra, and sports. These
activities develop pupils’ interests and talents well.

Click here to read a copy of the full report or click here to see it via Ofsted’s website.