Our last Ofsted inspection took place in July 2019. The school was judged to be good in all aspects. The full report is attached but the summary reads as follows:
“The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Since your appointment, you have worked tirelessly with trustees, your senior team and staff to strengthen the systems and processes to ensure the ongoing improvement of Wyvern.
As a team, you are determined to provide the very best for pupils. You all have high expectations and high aspirations. This team approach has ensured that any changes are researched, well thought through, practical and, at times, innovative.
The school has therefore improved its offer to pupils as well as maintaining its ethos as a community that values each individual. Staff say they are proud to work at the school.
Typical comments from parents who responded to the Ofsted survey included statements that the school is ‘brilliant’, ‘excellent’ and ‘amazing’.
Over time at the school, pupils make strong progress. They develop communication well. They acquire skills in English and mathematics. Pupils learn to play and work alongside others. They learn to concentrate better, and are able to express choice and ask questions. They develop self-help, independence and physical skills well. This means that they are prepared well for adult life.“
See below for the full report, or click here for a link to the Ofsted website: