The Primary department have enjoyed the Rainforest topic, which provided opportunities to focus on the different animals that live in the Rainforest as well as the sensory aspects of what it looks, feels, sounds and smells like in the Rainforest.
Classes have experienced different play opportunities through themed tuff trays, Rainforest sensory stories and art projects.
The whole school events that were on offer this term were a great success. Firstly the sensory room was transformed into a sensory Rainforest experience and pupils were invited to come to school dressed as explorers to enter the room. Vines and trees were attached to the walls and ceilings with Rainforest animals attached. As well as Rainforest smells and sounds to make it a total sensory experience.
At the end of the term pupils enjoyed the Rainforest Ball, chosen by the school council. The activities chosen included face painting, tattoos, a dress up station, arts and crafts as well as skittles. The Rainbow room was also set up to provide sensory experiences.
These events highlight how well staff can work together to provide quality experiences for the pupils at Wyvern.

The Primary Department have had a successful first Term. With pupils adapting well to new class groupings. Green Class have settled positively into life at Wyvern and many pupils are now full-time.
Pupils have enjoyed the various topic related activities that have been provided including the hiring of Diddi Cars in the hall for pupils to ride, a Primary Halloween Sensory morning with each class setting up an activity and mini beast ball, as well as the Wear it Yellow for Mental Health Day where pupils were encouraged to relax with yoga in the morning and a disco in the afternoon.
Many pupils were able to join the whole school trip to the Pavilion to watch Snow White, which again was a huge success and a fabulous opportunity for our pupils
This year for the Christmas Primary performance we focused on singing and signing with a piano accompaniment, to provide an opportunity for parents to see their children participating in activity which wasn’t screen focused. Staff and pupils practised the signs and words for several weeks during our weekly sing and sign assemblies.
Several parents stayed after the performance for mince pies and hot drinks, however the uptake was smaller than that of Secondary parents. I plan to encourage Primary parents into school through smaller coffee mornings to build confidence and familiarity. Green Class had a very successful parents coffee morning in December which I would like to replicate with all classes.
We welcome Nicky back from Maternity leave to Purple Class.
This term we have the topic of Rainforests, Primary will be focusing on the different animals that live in the Rainforest. Creating green leafy tuff trays for pupils to explore. using “I See….I hear’ boards to describe sensory trays and Rainforest themed communication groups.