Year 7 Catch-Up Grant
In 2014-15 Wyvern Academy had 3 eligible students and received a total of £1500
In 2015-16 Wyvern Academy had 1 eligible student and received a total of £500
In 2016-17 Wyvern Academy had 5 eligible students (1 student moved away from the area early in the year) and received a total of £2500. Funding was used to provide additional 1:1 support, a variety of sensory regulation items and access equipment. The impact of this was improved behavioural measures and engagement.
In 2017-18 Wyvern Academy had 0 eligible students and therefore received no grant.
In 2018-19 Wyvern Academy had 7 eligible students and received a total of £735. Funding was used to have a series of literacy and numeracy themed playground markings installed in the upper school playground to support engagement through gross motor and sensory approaches.
In 2019-20 Wyvern Academy received a total of £276. Funding was used to provide enhanced teaching staff to pupil ratios in order to support literacy and numeracy progress.